P: +606 337 5819 E: info@kinderworld.my 5867-5870 C, Jalan Klebang Kecil, 75200 Melaka
play to learn | learn to play
8:00 am - 6:00 pm (Monday - Friday)
Visits are accepted, only by appointment basis.
Our Policy
All children are unique individually - that's why we embrace their differences. However, to groom your child, we need your initiative to work together with our team. We would always welcome you to join us at school to observe your child's progress on an appointment basis. Please call to adminstrative office for details.
In addition, we also observe strict professional conducts and confidentiality. Discussion or meeting between our team and you will be held at a private room.
Close relationship between you and our team is the enabler in activating your child's potential. Hence, we publish monthly newsletter containing information about general activities at school, food menu, parenting articles and announcement of events/new policy etc. Do write to us for any review/comments on each issue.
About Our Payment Schedule
School fee is due within 7 days of each term. Please proceed to transfer to our banking account as below:
Bank Name: Malayan Banking Berhad
Account Holder: Antara Educare Sdn Bhd
Account Number: 0040-6740-0444
Notification: fees@kinderworld.my